EuroMilano is a real estate development and consulting company, established in Milan in 1986.
We are known for looking ahead of times, successful completion of complex projects, our people, architects and engineers with different skills and common goals: to plan and regenerate urban areas, improve existing spaces, deliver to the inhabitants land plots endowed with green areas and fostering social interaction, ensure the inhabitants’ security, and realise functional and ecologically sustainable buildings.
With such expertise, we are increasingly involved with governments, banking institutions, investors, and corporate actors to enact urban regeneration and building restoration policies, prioritising qualitative over quantitative aspects.
The Euromilano Board of Directors
PRESIDENT Prof. Luigi Borré CEO Dott. Attilio Di Cunto
President of the Board of Statutory Auditors Dott.ssa Federica Mantini Statutory Auditors Dott. Salvatore Buscemi Dott. Domenico Muratori
Substitute Statutory Auditors Mauro Basso Matteo Orfano Auditors Deloitte auditing firm
BOARD MEMBERS Dott. Giovanni Ferrari Dott. Ivan Barbieri Dott. Mauro Carlo Rossi
EuroMilano share capital is currently owned by the following shareholders Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Delta Ecopolis Brioschi Sviluppo Immobiliare Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Our mission
Our strength is to join thinking and praxis
We develop urban projects with the aim of increasing the quality of life in the city, delivering to the inhabitants renovated, ecologically sustainable urban areas, integrated within the surrounding urban context, endowed with green areas, fostering social interaction and ensuring the inhabitants’ security.
EuroMilano places people at the centre of its building and planning capability. This is expressed by the new logo of the company, that is, a stylised hand, “the human touch”, which conveys a vision of development as originating from mankind and directed towards mankind. Quoting Giancarlo De Carlo’s Nelle Città del Mondo (“In the cities of the world”, Marsilio, 1998): “The truth is that architecture cannot be isolated, for the simple fact that its first motivation is to address human needs and its first condition is of being located in a place“.
In such context, after developing several urban regeneration projects – such as the Bovisa brownfield currently hosting the Polytechnic of Milan, the Binda paper factory brownfield, the FINA refinery brownfield in Certosa district – EuroMilano has initiated UpTown, the largest residential project ever realised in Milan and the first Smart District in the Metropolitan city.
EuroMilano is evolving today towards an innovative business model, in which a traditional urban land development company is transformed into a provider of services in several fields, including project & construction management, general contracting, smart housing management and real estate trading.

milioni di mq bonificati

milioni di mq trasformati

milione di mq di verde pubblico realizzato

concorsi promossi per gli ambiti di sviluppo

miliardi di investimento